Member-only story
The Art of relaxation
21st century medicine for a stressed out generation
Lying in bed on morning, I had a hard time getting up. It was my day off and just wanted to snooze for a few more minutes.
Personally speaking, life is just too busy. Even those who are retired would say the same. There is an endless lists of to-do’s, should-do’s, have-to-do’s, don’t-want-to-do’s, don’t-have-time-to-do’s, wish-I-could-do’s and so on.
We are taught from an early age that we have to grow into a productive member of society. If not, then we are a burden on society and are not of any value. High school kids are constantly asked what career path they want to follow. Heck! They don’t even know what they want for dinner but under pressure they choose a path. From here the journey of constant career changes as the search to find self, passion and purpose begins.
Life is under a tight schedule. Every minute of the day is slotted and accounted for. From morning routines, school/work schedules, chores and household responsibilities, night routines, people are kept on a treadmill of productivity.
Add the demand for more toys, better toys and the upkeep of said toys, the stress level of the current generation is testing the health care system. The rising stress level has also given rise to two other concepts, mindfulness and self-care.
Living in a society that values doing, productivity and action with a successful life, the concept of relaxation feels…