What to expect after you get home from the hospital
It is often said that “the journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step”. Just recovering from a Brain Injury is an enormous first step but where do we go from there?
Ten years ago, I was wondering the same thing. Upon leaving the hospital after major surgery, my family and I had NO information on what to expect or what to do next. I was basically sent home to heal but what healing would look like was a mystery.
I learned the hard way that leaving the hospital was only the beginning. Through trial and error, I discovered what I needed to do to heal. Your journey will be different, but it is my hope that I can shed insight into this strange new land.
Know your physical limitations and rest when you need it. At first, I thought I was being lazy for wanting to sleep all the time but nothing is further from the truth.
Your brain has been through a great trauma. It has to heal before it can begin the task of repairing/rewiring the damage. It can do only so much in a 24-hour span before it wants to shut down and boy will you know when those times are.
If you ever attend a Brain Injury conference, it is hilarious to see the number of bodies you step over of…